The Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) is a consortium of NCI-sponsored investigators that includes modeling to improve our understanding of the impact of cancer control interventions (e.g., prevention, screening, and treatment) on population trends in incidence and mortality. These models can be used to project future trends and aid in the development of optimal cancer control strategies. They can also be used to guide public health research and priorities. Established in 2000 by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), CISNET's projects comprise the following cancer sites: bladder, breast, cervical, colorectal, esophagus (funded through 2022), gastric, lung, multiple myeloma, prostate, and uterine.
One strength of having a consortium of modelers is the ability to employ a comparative modeling approach. While each modeler has areas of individual focus, whenever possible, a common "base" question is developed that allows for comparison across models. In these common "base" case collaborations, a set of common population inputs is used across all models (e.g., dissemination patterns of screening and treatment, mortality from non-cancer causes), and a common set of intermediate and final outputs is developed to help understand differences and similarities across models.
CISNET is committed to bringing the most sophisticated evidence-based planning tools to population health. CISNET's modeling efforts:
- translate evidence from randomized trials and epidemiological studies to the population setting by extrapolating evidence beyond study protocols to the general population, while accounting for actual usage in less controlled settings.
- model real and hypothetical scenarios to enable the identification of key factors influencing outcomes and efficient cancer control strategies.
- inform clinical practice and recommended guidelines by synthesizing existing, albeit often incomplete, information to model gaps in available knowledge.
- provide a suite of models that are able to meet the challenges of the increasing pace of scientific discovery and are ready to address emerging questions while they are being debated in the cancer care community.
CISNET invites inquiries from outside groups regarding collaborations on cancer control issues amenable to modeling (see Contact Us).
Download the fact sheet, The Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (PDF, 516 KB).