The Publications page provides a searchable database of all CISNET publications since the inception of CISNET.
The Publication Support and Modeling Resources pages provides access to technical modeling information, raw data, and publication extensions stemming from the work of the CISNET consortium. These pages were launched in late 2013, and we are continuing to add additional information.
The CISNET Model Documentation provides summaries and other resources to learn about CISNET models.
CISNET Population and Individual Decision Tools are available to:
- provide decision-makers and health professionals with estimates of the projected impact of four specific tobacco control initiatives on public health in the U.S. (TCP Tool
- aid health care decision-makers in decision making related to the age of mammography screening initiation (Mammo OUTput Tool
- provide state decision-makers and health professionals with planning tools for their area’s colorectal cancer screening programs (State Colorectal Cancer Decision Tool
- support risk reduction decision making for women with BRCA mutations (Decision Tool for Women with BRCA Mutations
- help cancer control planners, program staff and decision makers consider the impact of risk factor reduction, increased early detection, and increased access to optimal treatment on future colorectal cancer mortality rates (Colorectal Cancer Mortality Projections website).
Population modeling has important links and collaborations with research efforts involving modeling of biological mechanisms. One key example is the initiative entitled, Bridging the Gap Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science.